Idaho 3.0 / About Quitting / Success Stories / Trading Cigarettes for School

Trading Cigarettes

for School

“There’s nothing good about smoking and everything good about not smoking. And, smoking took a lot of money out of my budget. I wanted to become a police officer and needed to save money to go to school. I called the quitline because I needed some help quitting.With encouragement from my coaches, I developed my own personal strategies to help me quit. I use a yoyo to play with on work breaks to help with high levels of stress. Now I’m saving money for my future career. And I tell co-workers and family members about how much money they are literally burning up in smoke. I hope they’ll join me and become tobacco free soon.”
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Program FAQs
Thinking about enrolling in the Quitline? Here are answers to common questions about cost, coaching and other aspects of the program.

The Quitline is free to participants. Your public health department, health plan or employer pays the program costs. If you choose to use nicotine quit medications, such as nicotine gum or patches, you may be eligible to receive 2 weeks or more for free. After that, there may be a cost for medication. When you enroll in the Quitline program, we'll help you work through these details.

You may be eligible to receive the first 2 weeks of quit medication for free. After that, you may be eligible for additional free quit medication through the Quitline based on your health plan and employer. Enroll in the program to learn more.

We offer an Online Only program with our website and other online materials. However, research shows people who use coaching are more likely to successfully quit. Completing even a few calls with a quit coach could make a difference for you. Learn more about the Quitline programs.

Enroll today—it’s easy and takes less than 5 minutes! You can enroll online, or if you'd like to speak to someone to get more information, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW. You can use the Quitline more than one time, so there is no harm in enrolling as soon as you feel ready.